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I'm Just A Viewer In This Online Music Community! B(L)og 031

Well here we are in the last quarter of the year! Glad you’re here for another installment of The Daydream Sound B(L)og. It’s B(L)og 031 to be exact!

Now this vlog is about this music community at large. But most importantly it’s about you! Yes, my friend. Today is your day!

So, without anything further, lets get going!

Well What About You?

There are several of us who contribute to sharing information and music making techniques here online. However, there isn't anything wrong with simply being a viewer of this type of music stuff. That in itself is a great contribution. This does in essence make the viewer a contributor also. Which ultimately means that just as content creators have a responsibility to be truthful and honest by creating videos with integrity; Viewers also have a responsibility to at least be original thinkers with there own thoughts. Displaying objectivity and plain old common sense. Viewers who regurgitate what their favorite creator says or does for example, without any thought is just as harmful as a creator who shills for shillings from a sponsored company. It weakens the community. Clogs it up; and stops it from advancing at the rate that would if all participants were playing, they're part effectively.

Analogy Time Example 1

Have you ever wondered why some neighborhoods/communities are in good order while others fall into dilapidation? It's because the residents of well-kept neighborhoods take responsibility for their surroundings. They don't just let things happen that ought to not be. They do their part to keep their surroundings clean, respectful and inviting. Everyone does their part no matter how small it may be. They do this because they know that by simply living in said neighborhood, they are part of it. Conversely those who live in communities that seem to be breaking away at the seams often feel as if the responsibility isn't theirs. For example. They may say things to themselves like

"Well I'm just renting here. Why should I care if there’s noise pollution at 12AM?"

Ultimately placing the responsibility on someone else. Even thought a quiet night would essentially benefit them. Well who is that "someone else" supposed to be if not them?

Music Community Behavior & Guidelines?

The online music community (whether you want to acknowledge it as such or not) is full of rogue actors who "defecate in their own nest" as my aunt would say. They rundown the place almost with a sense of pride. And leave the cleanup to some imaginary upstanding figure with unimaginable morals. Why they do this is the question. It can’t simply be for money or attention. Maybe there’s an innate fear of advancement in these types. Possibly they want to keep this space in a state of social poverty in an effort to prevent the community from leaving them behind. If the community were to advance past their comfort level, what would happen to them? What would be required of them?

I'm Just A Viewer In This Online Music Community! B(L)og 031

Some of several words that I've had to ask YouTube to immediately block if they are found in comments. These words are regularly used by commenters. Please excuse the expletives displayed here. They were the tamest words contained in the complete list.

Example 1.2

So to reference our analogy of the renting resident. This person may have been reluctant to report the neighborhood noise pollution because that improvement might make the neighborhood more inviting to other renters. Renters who might possibly pay more, and thus increase the current monthly rental. So, they keep their mouth shut and turn a blind eye to keep the status quo, as low status as it might be.


Whether you make music, make gear, write blogs, make videos, comment on them or simply watch all of it happen at your leisure; Responsibility is placed on all of us to keep this place at its best. It benefits us to do so. It creates opportunities for us all. Don’t just sit there and say senseless things like -

“This community is becoming toxic!”

While you sit there watching all of it with figurative popcorn spilling out of your mouth. Do something constructive about it. It’s your responsibility. If not you, then who? Much appreciated for reading!


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